Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions updated 11/3/2024
These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

All products must be paid for in advance of dispatch. Online Payments can be made using Visa, Visa Debit, Visa Credit, Maestro, Master Card or PayPal. All prices are stated in Euro and include VAT; prices are subject to change without notice. Off line order form payments can be made by Cash or Cheque.

All photographs are sent to school receptions for collection or to relevant teaching staff for distribution. We do not dispatch photos to addresses outside of the school. This is to prevent unauthorized purchase of photos by anyone outside of each school.
There are 2 methods available for purchasing photographs.

Online ordering - facilitated by means of password protection. The Password will be notified directly to students/parents, verbally in school or directly via order forms. We notify you when orders are ready for collection by the email or text details provided with your order. We ask that you only put the STUDENTS NAME and CLASS - WHO THE PHOTOS WILL BE DELIVERED TO in the ship to section. It should only be the SCHOOL NAME AND SCHOOL ADDRESS in the ship to section – NOT your home or work address. We will never deliver to a home address. This prevents anybody from outside the school from receiving photographs.
We aim to dispatch all online orders within 7 working days. However, occasionally it may take longer as we personalize each photo mount to your school. Supplies of mounts can vary from time to time.
Therefore, if you have not received your order after 10 days or if you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us either by email pix@schoolpix.ie or call 089 6006790 we will be happy to help trace your lost or delayed order. We will always endeavor to rectify the situation for you as soon as possible.
Online ordering Data Protection – Please see our GDPR Policy

Offline Order Form ordering- distributed by school staff on our behalf. Order forms with payment are returned to the relevant teacher or school reception for our collection. Off line orders will be processed as one large batch and returned to the school for collection within a maximum 2 week time frame (subject to supply of raw materials)
Offline Order Form Data Protection- We do not use your contact details for any other purpose, other than fulfilling your order. We return your contact details with your order, so therefore we will not keep or store your contact data. Please see our GDPR Policy.

Cancelling an order
As our photography products are bespoke and each order is custom made, orders can only be cancelled within 24 hours of being placed. Orders for digital products cannot be cancelled once the order has been sent.

Returning products
All orders placed by you that contain an image, will be individually printed for you. Therefore it is not possible to return an order or claim a refund if you have made an error. Orders for digital products cannot be refunded once the digital products have been sent.
Faulty or damaged goods MUST BE notified to us within 7 days and returned to us within 14 days, please contact us either by email by email pix@schoolpix.ie or call 089 6006790. As soon as we receive the item/s and they have been checked, we will either refund your card or send a replacement. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. We will always endeavor to rectify the situation for you as soon as possible. We stand over the quality of our products and will replace / reprint unsatisfactory prints.

Complaints must be made directly to Schoolpix within 3 working days of receipt of goods. All complaints should be sent via email to orders@schoolpix.ie. We stand over the quality of all of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on the quality of our products. We would rather hear directly from you if we got it wrong than indirectly at a later stage.

Limited Liability- We limit our liability to the cost of the products or service supplied. Ownership of the goods remain with Schoolpix until such time as the goods are fully paid for.

Mini Photo Shoot – Sometimes we are in a position to offer on location mini photo shoots to groups of families. We undertake to achieve a high quality, but limited, set of poses within a short time frame. (Typically 2 poses within a 5-7 minute time frame) We recommend that if you require more that what we are offering in this package, that you book a personal studio portrait photo session with an alternative Professional Photographer.

Credit Card information
Schoolpix does not retain any information regarding your credit or debit card number, expiry date or card security code.

Personal information
Schoolpix will not sell, distribute or disclose information about you either as an individual or your personal usage of the site without your consent or unless required to do so by law. The Information we gather may include name, delivery address, email address, telephone number, and any personal preferences in connection with your order. We are fully compliant with all aspects of GDPR and hold all data in accordance with this, please refer to our GDPR privacy policy for more details.

Schoolpix retain the copyright on all photographs – they may not be copied, published or reproduced without our written permission. We can only sell digital downloads of individual portraits to the families of those in those portraits. You are free to print and use these downloads for your personal, non-commercial use. Commercial use would entail a commercial fee. We cannot sell digital downloads of group photographs as they contain other people’s children in them, and under no circumstances can group photographs be used online or on social media.
We will never use your photographs for public advertising unless obtaining your specific permission to do so. We do however show samples of our work to Principals/ Deputy Principals and Parents Committees with a view to engaging our services but this will never be in a public forum.

Vat No: 5357933P
CRO. No: 5639678
Company Registration and postal address: 17 Garnett Hall, Dunboyne, Co. Meath.
Telephone number: 089 6006790

Schoolpix Child Safeguarding Statement

Name of service:
Schoolpix Photography

Nature of service provided:
With over 30 years experience in the School Photography Business we produce, consistently high quality, schools photography for schools, parents and children. We work in Primary, Secondary and Third level institutions across the country.
Schoolpix is committed to a child-centered approach in our work with children and young people. Schoolpix provides its services to and for children and their parents and for the schools they are part of. It is central to the philosophy of Schoolpix that children are unconditionally respected and kept safe from harm while using our services.

• The “relevant person” (as defined in the Children First Act 2015) to be the first point of contact in respect of the child safeguarding statement is …
Designated Liaison Person – Deirdre O’Halloran

Principals to safeguard children from harm:
Below are the principles and procedures which should be observed to ensure, as far as possible, that a child is safe from harm while availing of our services .

• All Schoolpix staff who work with children are Garda vetted by the school.
• All Schoolpix staff have undertaken Tusla online Child Protection Training – Children First E-Learning, and are provided with a copy of the Schoolpix Child Safeguarding Statement, and are required to adhere to the Children First Act 2015.
• All child protection or welfare concerns shall be in the first place referred to the supervising staff member who we are working at the school, also the schools Designated Liaison Person and or if necessary will be reported to Tusla/Gardaí in a timely manner.
• A child in need of personal support because of illness, physical needs or any form of distress, shall be referred in the first place to his/her teacher or to the staff member who we are working with supervising the photographic activity, to provide such support.
• A parent/guardian or teacher should inform a member of Schoolpix staff if there are any specific needs required prior to a child’s participation at a Schoolpix photography session.

Risk Assessment:
We have carried out an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of our services. Below is a list of the areas of risk identified and the list of procedures and principals for managing these risks.

Risk Identified – Procedure to manage risk identified

1. Non-compliance with Schoolpix Child Protection Policy - All Schoolpix staff are provided with the Child Protection Policy. Any breach of the Child Protection Policy will be acted on immediately. All child protection or welfare concerns shall be in the first place referred to the supervising staff member who we are working at the school, also the schools Designated Liaison Person and or if necessary will be reported to Tusla/Gardaí in a timely manner. As per our Principals to safeguard children from harm.
2. Risk of student being harmed by Schoolpix personel- All staff are required to adhere to our Principals of Best Practice
3. Risk of student being harmed by Schoolpix equipment- All staff are required to adhere to our Principals of Health and Safety
4. Risk of student being harmed by trip or fall - All staff are required to adhere to our Principals of Health and Safety and also advise students about our Code of Behavior for Students.

Procedures and Principals :
The Schoolpix Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, and the Children First: National Guidance, and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. In addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment, the following procedures and principals support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our services:

Principals of Best Practice :
Schoolpix photographers will
1. be accompanied by a school staff member during their work
2. only work unaccompanied by school staff in a room as a part of a 2+ Schoolpix staff team
3. only work unaccompanied by school staff with groups of students greater than 1
Schoolpix Staff will not undertake 1:1 photographic activity with children. Photographic activity should take place in a room with a glass panel window on the door for visibility, otherwise the door of the room in which they are working should be left open for the duration. Any blinds etc, on the glass panel on the door, should be opened for the duration also.
Schoolpix Staff should ensure that their conversation with students are appropriate to the age, maturity and sex of the children and that their conduct does not give rise to comment or speculation. Attitudes, demeanour and language all require care and thought when dealing with children.
Schoolpix Staff are advised not to have any physical contact with children unless absolutely necessary.
Examples of necessary physical contact by a photo assistant (in the Primary School environment) would include for example hair brushing, face cleaning, tie straightening, dress straightening. This should be done in the presence of others. Secondary and third level students should be able to correct their own appearance.

Principals of Health and Safety :
Schoolpix staff will be constantly alert to the Health and Safety of students and staff. Equipment will be set up so as to minimize any danger of trip or fall. Students being photographed on our purpose built photography steps will be given a health and safety briefing on how to enter and exit the steps and how to conduct themselves when on the steps.
A parent/guardian or teacher or student should inform a member of Schoolpix staff if there are any specific needs required prior to a student’s participation at a Schoolpix photography session.

Code of Behavior for Students
In order for us to achieve our high standards of school photography we need the co-operation of pupils, working with us, to create high quality photography safely.
We need pupils to listen and co-operate with our health and safety directions.
We reserve to right to ask a student/ students to leave a photo if they are not co-operating or if they are causing a health and safety risk to themselves or others.
We reserve the right to cancel a photo entirely on the grounds of Health and Safety.

Schoolpix recognizes that implementation is an ongoing process. Our service is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service. This Statement was reviewed on 11 March 2024 and will be reviewed after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.

Name and contact details:
Schoolpix, 17 Garnett Hall, Dunboyne, Co. Meath . Tel: 089 6006790.
For queries in relation to this Child Safeguarding Statement please contact Deirdre O’Halloran - Mandated Person, at the address above or email pix@schoolpix.ie
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